I stared, jaw open. “You’re joking right.”
He shook his head solemnly. “Nope.”
I straightened my back. “Well then. It’s a good thing I don’t lose.”
“Humble much?”
A loud explosion shook the dark hall we were in.
“I guess that’s our cue.” Without waiting around to see if anyone heard me, I ran into the arena.
I knew all the requirements. And I knew I was breaking one.
The sunlight slapped me in the face. My arm naturally rose to cover my eyes, and that action nearly cost me my life.
Something slammed into my side, forcing my air out. My knees gave way, and I crumpled to the ground. Hands on the hard packed dirt, I gasped for breath.
Somehow, my dagger was still clenched in my fists.
The moment the word left my mouth, my weapon came to life. A shout of surprise erupted from the opposing team as the dagger flew from my hand.
I smirked.
Two went down- a blonde boy in a purple toga, and a dark boy in a gray tunic. I almost felt sorry for using sphaeram. Almost.
Thundering footsteps caused me to whirl around. A boy with a blue tunic raised his gladius high above his head. I sighed. It was almost too easy.
“Don’t be afraid! It’s just a-”
His words ended in a grunt as I lashed out with my foot. The boy flew backwards- slumping to the ground unconscious.
My glowing dagger stopped mid-flight. The red team all gaped at it; several tried to grab it. But it was too fast.
With a loud thwack the hilt slammed into my palm. I turned to the opposing team, grinning.
“Ready when you are.”
They stood still for a moment. Dazed. Then a tall blonde boy stepped forward. He cast aside his purple cloak, unsheathing his long sword.
He opened his mouth and gave a loud cry. “Iunguntur!”
I turned to check behind me, only to find that my entire team had fled.
Everyone except Marcus.
I shook my head. I should’ve known the team of outcasts would run.
“Let’s get them.”
Marcus unsheathed his gladius, turning so we were back to back. Two against five. I grinned. We were even.
With a cry, the boy in the green tunic leapt forward, his wickedly sharp dagger clanging loudly as it connected with Marcus’s weapon.
Instincts took over as I ducked, dodged and blocked. Years of living on the streets had trained me for this moment. I stopped thinking as my body automatically responded to the attacks.
Before I knew it, a loud trumpet sounded- indicating that the tournament was over.
Stabbing my still glowing dagger into the ground, I reached up to take off my hood. A collective gasp went up around the arena.
I stood still, my long hair sailing in the wind.
I was the first girl to ever compete in the Annual Youth Games of Rome.